Jeff Kittmer was laid off from a factory and began working with advisor Leanne Mayer, Perth Career Counselling, in February, 2009. Before having children and relocating to St. Mary's, he had worked at editing TV programs until it conflicted with family life.
Initially he was looking into becoming a flying instructor and started to self-fund some of the training. He would come in and bounce ideas off his advisor about contacting TV stations for piece work. Leanne encouraged him to look into this while researching the flight instruction and dabbling with the stock market.
Jeff put a lot of research, networking and hard work into his plan. In the end (December) by combining his experiences, goals and good use of networking Jeff ended up with a contract with NBC for three years doing closed captioning ($200000 per year). Additionally, he got some piece work with CTV. He is able to work from home solving his child care issues and time away from the family.
He also started his own business and named it KitKap (Kittmer last name + captioning!). He was quite successful with his investing and as a result is planning to self-fund the flight instructor training because he is still quite passionate about it. He is very thankful for the opportunity to share ideas and brainstorm courses of action.