More than 600 Grade 7 and 8 students from schools in Waterloo Region
and Wellington County visited
Conestoga College on December 6 for the second annual Trades and Technology
Day, an event aimed at providing them with information and hands-on experience
related to the options and opportunities available through technical education
and careers.
Approximately half took part in activities at the Doon campus in Kitchener, the remainder at Conestoga’s Guelph campus. The event was a joint effort on the part of the College, Skills Canada - Ontario, and the public and Catholic school boards in Waterloo and Wellington.
Following a general introductory session on trades and technology careers, participants proceeded to a workshop session in an area of interest to them. The Doon campus sessions dealt with computer-aided and standard precision metal machining, robotics and automation technology, electrical and electronics technology, woodworking technology, architectural technology and radio broadcasting technology. Activities in Guelph included carpentry, automotive service, welding and metal fabrication, plumbing, industrial mechanics, and computer-aided and standard precision metal machining.
Among the practical activities they experienced while meeting College faculty and students were wood sanding and burn-imprinting techniques, assembling and soldering circuit boards, working with basic architectural drawings, basic machine turning and metal stamping, and radio program production involving computer consoles and Internet downloading.
Conestoga developed the first Trades and Technology Day in December 2000, to address two issues -- the growing need of industry for well educated and highly motivated skilled trades and technology professionals, and the growing focus on Grades 7 and 8 as key decision points for young people in making secondary school choices associated with technical career opportunities.
CONTACT: Greg Beselaere, Skills Canada - Ontario, 519-748-3524, ext.
Hans Zawada, Conestoga College, 519-748-5220, ext. 3370