Conestoga news

August 22, 2024 8:42 AM

Mastercraft Award honour goes to Automated Manufacturing student for first time

Conestoga’s prestigious Mastercraft Award was presented for the first time to a student in the Mechanical Engineering Technology - Automated Manufacturing program.

Mastercraft Award winner
Esteban José Rojas Peñaranda and his “robot gripper” were awarded the top honour at Tech Showcase held on August 13.

Esteban José Rojas Peñaranda and his “robot gripper” were awarded the top honour at Tech Showcase held at the Cambridge - Fountain Street campus on August 13. The showcase featured the Best in Program final-term student projects from the School of Engineering & Technology and the School of Applied Computer Science & Information Technology, determined by each program area.

Rojas Peñaranda said it was an “extraordinary honour” to be awarded the Mastercraft Award for his ambitious project. He created a comprehensive company plan for a versatile robot gripper that can be easily reprogrammed or customized depending on the changing needs of an automated manufacturing line to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

“From the outset, my goal was to push the boundaries of what’s possible in robotics, and seeing that effort come to fruition in such a significant way is deeply gratifying,” Rojas Peñaranda said.

“This accolade reaffirms my enthusiasm for engineering and innovation, motivating me to continue exploring new ideas and making meaningful contributions to the field. It is both a personal milestone and a pioneering moment for our program, and I hope it encourages others to pursue their own ambitious goals with the same dedication and passion.”

He is especially pleased that this is the first time the Automated Manufacturing program achieved this recognition.

“This accomplishment carries a special significance that goes beyond personal achievement,” Rojas Peñaranda said. “It underscores the dedication and hard work that our program embodies and sets a new benchmark for excellence. The recognition from this prestigious award is a testament to the collaborative spirit and exceptional support I received from my mentors, professors and peers.”

He thanked faculty mentors Michael Waldeck and Fred Fulkerson for their invaluable insights, encouragement and expertise, which were crucial in navigating the complexities of the project. 

Professor Waldeck called Rojas Peñaranda a top-notch student, taking on challenges and incorporating all the new concepts learned into a professional manufacturing company presentation. 

“It was such a pleasure working with a passionate student with such dedication and attention to detail.”

When Waldeck took over the project a few years ago, he implemented changes to push the students’ boundaries and incorporate new manufacturing advancements.

“This is a proud moment for me, and I hope more students will take the program.”

The Mastercraft Award was established in 1980 by past-president Kenneth E. Hunter to recognize student achievement of excellence in program-related skills. The award will be presented at the fall convocation in October.

Dean of Engineering & Technology Marilyn Powers was impressed by the student talent and dedication on display at the event. Powers led the awards ceremony at the start of the showcase, which recognized the top projects in 17 programs.

“This Tech Showcase is a great opportunity for our students to demonstrate their skills and competencies at the end of their programs. Each student or team here has already achieved the Best in Program designation and is competing for the prestigious Mastercraft Award as judged by industry representatives,” Powers said. “I am thoroughly impressed with every project here. It’s a great demonstration that what the students do here matters in industry.”

Conestoga’s School of Engineering & Technology offers a comprehensive suite of engineering and technology programs with a wide range of credentials. The School of Applied Computer Science & Information Technology offers leading-edge programs that will prepare students for an exciting career in the innovative world of Information and Communications Technology.