Conestoga news

June 21, 2024 8:31 AM

Student engineering association hosts weekend conference to encourage emerging leaders

The Conestoga Engineering Society hosted a three-day conference aimed at empowering emerging leaders within the engineering community.

The Conestoga Engineering Society hosted a three-day conference in June aimed at empowering emerging leaders within the engineering community.

The June 7-9 event co-chaired by Bachelor of Engineering - Mechanical Systems Engineering students Zoe Talbot and Agustina Lasarte Villar brought together more than 50 delegates from engineering societies across Ontario, including participants from Windsor and Thunder Bay.

The conference served as a platform for the Engineering Student Societies' Council of Ontario (ESSCO) to share their vision, initiatives and strategic goals, providing delegates with valuable insights and tools for their planning processes.

This was the first conference hosted by the Conestoga Engineering Society - a student association for the college’s undergraduate engineering students and alumni - since 2016.

“Seeing delegates from all over Ontario, some traveling long distances, reminded us how important these gatherings are. It showed how committed everyone is to growth and leadership in engineering,” Talbot said.

The weekend gathering featured productive discussions, strategic planning sessions and networking opportunities around the theme of a World of Opportunities, emphasizing the growth of leaders within their respective engineering societies and the broader industry.

“We aimed to create an inclusive and supportive environment, and it was great to see how comfortable and engaged everyone felt. This was crucial for the open exchange of ideas,” Talbot said.

“As a co-chair, it was really amazing to see how engaged and enthusiastic the delegates were. The discussions we had were productive and will have a lasting impact on their engineering societies.”

Talbot said the conference was made possible thanks to organizing committee members Mo Eyitsede and Nickolas Raghunath, as well as the support of numerous speakers, volunteers, faculty members and sponsors.

The successful event set a precedent for future conferences, and the Conestoga Engineering Society is looking forward to hosting more events that advance engineering students' learning and foster connections among like-minded peers. 

Diane Burchett, chair of the School of Engineering & Technology, commended the students’ efforts in bringing together emerging leaders to collaborate and encourage each other.

“What a wonderful opportunity, and incredible job done by our engineering leaders to host this important event. An event that serves to strengthen the engineering community through knowledge sharing, advocacy and skills development. Hosting this event demonstrates their leadership and organizational abilities and showcased Conestoga’s commitment to student engagement and development.”

Conestoga’s School of Engineering & Technology offers a comprehensive suite of programs in areas including architecture, civil, construction, mechanical and electronics. With a wide range of credentials, from one-year certificates, two-year and three-year advanced diplomas, to graduate certificates and degrees, and built-in pathways, the college has what’s needed for an industry-ready education.

Conestoga is Ontario’s only college to offer fully accredited engineering degrees.