Conestoga graduate Fitsum Areguy received the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers at a ceremony held at Queen’s Park on May 30.

Recreation and Leisure Services graduate Fitsum Areguy, pictured with Kitchener Centre MPP Daiene Vernile, received the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers on May 30. (Picture courtesy of Daiene Vernile)
Areguy, who graduated in 2014 from Conestoga’s Recreation and Leisure Services diploma program, was one of ten recipients of the medal. It is awarded to youth aged 15 to 24 who have donated their time and talents to a charitable or not-for-profit organization or initiative, and who have inspired other young people to volunteer. It is considered the highest honour a young person can achieve for volunteer contributions to the province.
“Congratulations to the 2016 recipients of the Ontario Medal for Young Volunteers,” said Michael Chan, Minister of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade. “They inspire others to give back, and serve as a reminder that we all have the power to make a positive impact in our society. These young people have truly made our province a better place.”
Areguy volunteers with the Young Carers Project (YCP), which educates the public about young carers and builds a supportive community for them. Young carers are children and youth between the ages of five and 18 in a caregiving role for a parent or other relative with a chronic or life threatening illness, disability, addiction, mental illness or language barrier. Areguy also volunteers with the Male Allies public education program to end gender-based violence and the REACH For It! Program for youth with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder.
Visit the Ministry of Citizenship, Immigration and International Trade for more information.