As part of the 42nd Convocation ceremonies (fall) of Conestoga College Institute of Technology and Advanced Learning held on November 6, President John Tibbits presented a number of College-wide achievement awards.
The Conestoga College Mastercraft Award

Established by former Conestoga President Kenneth E. Hunter, this award recognizes outstanding technical achievement by an individual or a student team in the creation of a program-related technical project. Eligible projects must first win a program-level competition to qualify for College-wide judging. The prize consists of an inscribed and framed program shield, plus a cheque for $500. Conestoga presents two of these awards each year - one at the spring Convocation, the second at the fall event.
Sean Phillips is a Kitchener native and a graduate of Cameron Heights Collegiate. He originally entered Conestoga directly after high school, completing a diploma in Mechanical Engineering Technology - Design and Analysis, in 2003. After five years working with Tigercat Industries, Sean returned to Conestoga to complete the Mechanical Systems Engineering degree program. For his final-year comprehensive project, Sean travelled to the Czech Republic to complete an internship at Skoda, where he worked on designing and analyzing a prototype intake manifold for a three-cylinder engine for the Indian market. Several features of the design are being further pursued by the company. Back in Canada, he supplemented this work through the creation of a business and manufacturing plan for the supply of a highly efficient, low-cost intake manifold for Skoda.
In September 2010, Sean entered the Master's program in Mechanical Engineering at the University of Waterloo.
The President's Scholar Award

The President's Scholar Award, a specially inscribed and framed Conestoga Coat of Arms, recognizes the graduating student from a four-year degree program who achieves the highest composite academic average for all courses. The curriculum in Conestoga's degree programs is exacting and demanding, given the high level of theoretical and practical skills needed to graduate. The President's Scholar honour was presented to two students at the Fall 2010 Convocation, both of whom achieved an overall academic average of 90 per cent.
Sean Phillips, graduating from the Mechanical Systems Engineering degree program, who also received the MasterCraft Award.
Shannon Symons entered the Health Informatics Management program in 2006. Originally from North Bay Ontario, Shannon graduated from St. Joseph-Scollard Hall Catholic Secondary School there in 2003.
After completing secondary school, Shannon attended the University of Western Ontario, where she earned a Bachelor of Health Science degree. But it was here at Conestoga that Shannon really found what she was looking for, through the Health Informatics Management co-op program designed for 'big picture' thinkers in the world of health.
Shannon is now working as a Project Manager for Mihealth, a company that offers a consumer health application within both the national and international health information marketplace.
The Governor General's Academic Medal

The Governor General's Academic Medal recognizes the graduating student who achieves the highest composite academic grade average for all courses in a diploma program. The award is a bronze medallion commissioned by the Governor General of Canada.
Tracy Brown holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in Economics from McMaster University and was employed with The Cooperators for many years, during which time she also earned her Chartered Insurance Professional designation and an advanced Certificate in Business Analysis.
A long-time Guelph resident, Tracy decided to explore her strong interest in health, nutrition and helping others by enrolling in Conestoga's Dietetic Technician program in 2008.
She excelled academically, earning an overall average of 96.58 per cent while juggling the responsibilities of school and work and parenting two teenage children.
In total, the fall Convocation ceremony recognized 1,135 graduating students from degree, diploma and certificate programs in Engineering and Information Technology, Trades and Apprenticeship, Business and Hospitality, Continuing Education, Communications and Liberal Studies, Media and Design, the Conestoga Language Institute, and Health and Life Sciences and Community Services.
For more information: Brenda Cassidy, 519-748-5220 ext 3336,