The Association of Operations Management (APICS) conference is held each year for professionals, students and teachers to network and learn about current trends in the area of Operations and Supply Chain Management in a global community. The conference was held this year at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre from October 4-6, 2009. There were over 1,700 attendees from all over the world, including students and teachers from right here at Conestoga College.

New to the Conference this year was the "Head of the Class" Competition. The objective of the competition was to showcase the students' knowledge of the industry in a fun way. The competition starts with each student standing and, as questions are asked, the student will sit down if they answer incorrectly. This goes on until there is only one student left standing and that student becomes the "head of the class."
For the first year of the competition there were 80 participants, from across North America, including 16 students from Conestoga College. After the competition was over, two of our students placed in the top 10. Cody Musclow placed 2nd and Penelope Sloan in 7th. This is an excellent accomplishment, congratulations to those students.
Top Winners:
Yanick Lavoie, Algonquin College—1st Place
Cody Musclow, Conestoga College—2nd Place
Ram Prasaad Venkatarajn, Wichita State University—3rd Place
Runners Up:
David Salvo, Cleveland University
Paul Frangione, Algonquin College
David Roman, Conestoga College
Penelope Sloan, Conestoga College
Bernardo Aguiar, Bowling Green State University
Tiffany Bilek, Algonquin College
Stephen Anstey, Algonquin College