Terry Reidel, Executive Director of The Frank Cowan Foundation and Greg Barratt, Executive Vice-President Business Development, Cowan Insurance Group recently visited Conestoga to give President John Tibbits the second installment of a $200,000 pledge from the Foundation for Conestoga’s Career Centre. Terry Reidel comments, "Local people who are unemployed due to layoffs or company shutdowns are taking advantage of the training available through the Conestoga Career Centre. Cowan is pleased to support a program that is providing people with a better chance of obtaining meaningful employment through additional training."

Conestoga President Dr. John Tibbits states, "The support shown by the Cowan Foundation has been instrumental in the successful establishment of the Conestoga Career Centre. This one-stop site at each campus has allowed us to serve clients extremely effectively, helping them meet their needs and understand the many opportunities available to them."
Conestoga Career Centres are now open at our Doon, Guelph, Stratford and Waterloo Campuses and provide support to potential students looking for information on Second Career, Ontario Skills Development, and career direction. Internationally trained individuals (ITIs) can receive specialized guidance from advisors who are familiar with their unique circumstances. From November 2008 to June 2009 the centres have served over 8,500 individuals. There are currently 263 Second Career students approved and attending Conestoga, which is the third highest Second Career enrolment in Ontario colleges.
Established in 1995, The Frank Cowan Foundation is able to provide support in the communities where Cowan employees and clients live and work because of the ongoing success of Cowan Insurance Group and the Frank Cowan Company.