Four students in Conestoga’s degree program in Architecture - Project and Facility Management have earned prestigious scholarships awarded by the...
In the new year, the Conestoga campus in Guelph will offer a free preparatory skills program called Employment/Training Readiness...
More than 100 industry and association representatives, Conestoga College officials and faculty, and currently enrolled apprentices gathered at the Guelph...
At a gathering of supporters, donors and College officials, Conestoga College opened its new campus in Waterloo on November 6....
Four students from the Architecture – Project and Facility Management bachelor degree program were recently honoured in San Diego....
The Conestoga Room is now open in the new Waterloo Campus at 108 University Avenue, East . Operated by...
By ERIC MURPHY Nov. 2, 2006 The office administration skills lab at Conestoga College is the only one of...