March will be arriving like a lion at Conestoga College.
From Friday, March 1 through Sunday, March 3, the College is expecting as many as 4,000 applicants for September 2002 admission to be on hand for Explore Conestoga, an information and orientation activity for those seeking entry to full-time programs, as well as an opportunity for applicants’ parents, partners and friends to visit and tour the College. Last September, Conestoga’s first-year population grew by more than seven percent, producing the College’s largest-ever first-year enrolment of 2,753.
With a major facility expansion scheduled to open at the Doon campus in the fall, Conestoga is poised to enter into the next phase of its growth plans, which will incorporate the arrival of the double-cohort population starting in 2003-2004.
Visitors will learn about program curriculum, student life and career
options, meet program representatives, see College facilities and use
this information to help them determine the benefits of making Conestoga
college of first choice.
Conestoga does things its own way, however, which is why the College is a system leader year after year. Explore Conestoga is no massive event, with hundreds of people crowded into a single room. It is designed to be small-scale, conversational and visitor-friendly. The sessions are scheduled so that applicants will have a variety to choose from and so that group sizes will be relatively small, to promote personal attention.
Friday and Saturday sessions are at the Doon campus in Kitchener, while
Sunday’s schedule includes three campuses -- Doon, Waterloo and Guelph.
The focus on Friday and Saturday is on programs in health
sciences, community services, media studies and communications.
Sunday at Doon centres around business, engineering technology and preparatory
programs. The focus at Guelph is on the skilled trades. Hospitality and
information technology programs will be the subject of
sessions at Waterloo.
CONTACT: Sheila MacLeod, 519-748-5220, ext. 3481