Conestoga events

Winter orientation week

January 2-6, 2023 | Various times | Various locations

Take the first step toward being a successful Conestoga student by attending your program orientation.

All new students are strongly encouraged to attend their program's orientation, designed to support a successful transition to Conestoga and prepare students for the first day of classes. 

Note: All programs will be hosting virtual sessions. Please refer to the online academic orientation schedule to determine when your program's session will take place.

In addition to program orientations, first-year students will have an opportunity to attend an in-person Campus Welcome drop-in event where they can tour the campus and find their classes; attend a resource fair and talk one-on-one with key Conestoga services and supports; receive branded giveaways; pick up your OneCard; drop in to any participating program meet and greets.


Every program has a unique orientation schedule. Please visit the online academic orientation schedule for program specific details.

Visit the Campus Welcome drop-in schedule for program and campus specific details. Students must RSVP to attend their Campus Welcome drop-in event.


Complimentary parking will be provided to students while attending their Campus Welcome Drop-in. To redeem your complimentary hourly or daily parking, visit the HonkMobile website, use the HonkMobile app, or scan a QR code parking sign. Apply code [WINTER2023] at checkout.

For more information:

For more information, please contact Student Engagement.