Conestoga news

April 16, 2010 12:41 PM

Broadcast Television Students Produce Music Video

The Helix project started out when Brent Doerner of Helix came into our class and asked if anyone was interested in shooting a music video as a great volunteer experience.

I had been wanting to shoot a music video for a long time so I jumped onto the chance. Also a couple of other people showed their interest we formed a team. 4 people were involved in the project in different areas.

I believe that originally he thought that we would just shoot the footage and give it to them to edit and be done. However I really wanted to produce a video from start to finish, so with a little organizing things went ahead. We dove right in and shot over one weekend in January in Woodstock, Ontario and edited in about one week while juggling school at the same time.

The video was shot on a Sony HD camera some of which are available at the school and better cameras as well. Construction and band lights were used to light the set, and to edit Final Cut Pro was used on a MAC.

It just shows that the video industry is all about contacts and networking as well as random occurrences. There are many opportunities available for those who take advantage of them. With this video we are all confident that we can continue to do great work and get many paid opportunities from this exposure and experience and we also now have a great example of our capabilities with a well known band. I want to thank Laura Purchase and Brennan Bell for all their help and especially Matt Robertshaw for his great editing work and lastly the band for giving us the opportunity.

Francis Coral - Mellon