Conestoga events

User Experience Guest Lecture Series: All Those in Favour, Click 'Aye' - The Struggle for Civic Tech

July 27, 2015

Doon Campus

If a billion people around the world can over-share their lives on social media, why are voting rates still so low? Can e-participation systems coax more residents into taking part in civic life?

In this session, we will apply technology to the role of the voter, resident, and taxpayer. Civic technologies, including e-participation are increasing in popularity, with dedicated labs and businesses springing up to help citizens manage their "red boxes."

How do user experiences and expectations compare to those of commercial services? How does civic tech affect the roles of the citizen, the political, and the civil servant?


Kirk Zurell, Research Entrepreneurs Accelerating Prosperity (REAP) Professional University of Waterloo

Kirk Zurell writes op-ed articles for newspapers on topics in civic life. Kirk takes part in civic life through the Compass Kitchener citizen engagement committee and Waterloo Voter Support Committee. He provides information technology support at The Working Centre and investigates digital media at University of Waterloo's Research Entrepreneurs Accelerating Prosperity (REAP).


5:00 PM - 6:00 PM


Conestoga College, Doon Campus, Main Building, Room 2A301

To Register:

This guest lecture is free to attend but does require registration. For more information, contact Dalibor Dvorski.